The terrible ordeal of Jackie the 15-year-old stolen dog continues. Her human parents are devastated, now offering a $1,000 reward.
As more details have emerged, we now know that Jackie was tied up outside a Barnes and Noble, true, but at 7:30 at night, when it is not blazing hot, and with a bowl of water, and that it was for a very short amount of time.
She was wearing a pink rhinestone collar.
The thief took the dog, the leash, the collar -- and the water bowl.
The owner, Laura Scandrett, a good friend of my cousin Julie Engelsman's, describes what happened in her own words:
"I was passing through Phoenix on my honeymoon and my 15 year old dog Jackie was taken. I'm heartbroken and trying to do everything I can to get her back. Here is the

Last Saturday Tai and I were married in Colorado, where we live.
"We cancelled our honeymoon trip because I wanted to keep Jackie with us, as she's 15 years old and my devoted companion since her birth. We decided to take a road trip with her as our honeymoon and were planning to drive to Mexico for a few days. She got all her shots and certificates to prepare for the trip.
"We cancelled our honeymoon trip because I wanted to keep Jackie with us, as she's 15 years old and my devoted companion since her birth. We decided to take a road trip with her as our honeymoon and were planning to drive to Mexico for a few days. She got all her shots and certificates to prepare for the trip.
"Last Thursday evening we stopped in Phoenix at a Barnes and Noble bookstore in Happy Valley Shopping Center to buy a map of Mexico. We literally just stopped to buy the map and guidebook and saw the store from the highway.
"We tied Jackie up in the shade with her water dish between 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening. Tai checked on her at about 7 o'clock. When we came out about twenty minutes later, she was gone. "Her water bowl and leash were gone with her. She was wearing a pink, rhinestone collar and had a green leash and a dish of water.
"We are heartbroken.
"We are checking the pounds and shelters regularly, putting up
posters, handing out flyers in the neighborhood and listed her on CraigsList and Pets911. We are just trying to get the word out, so that if someone has her, they know she is loved and missed and will return her.
"We are offering a $1,000 reward to anyone to can help lead to her safe return...
posters, handing out flyers in the neighborhood and listed her on CraigsList and Pets911. We are just trying to get the word out, so that if someone has her, they know she is loved and missed and will return her.
"We are offering a $1,000 reward to anyone to can help lead to her safe return...
"Jackie was the ring bearer at our ceremony last week, and anyone who was there and anyone who knows me knows that this has been the saddest two days of my life. I love her more than anything.
"I just hope someone thought they were rescuing her and now will see that she is loved and missed. "
Laura has loved Jackie since she was a puppy. Laura at one point had two from Jackie's litter, Jackie and a sister, but the sister pooch has passed away.
One can only imagine how Jackie must feel, at her age now, to be with someone new. We can all only hope that person is an animal lover.
" Jackie is the most mellow, wonderful- souled dog you have ever met," said Julie. "Jackie...Laura has loved Jackie since she was a puppy. Laura at one point had two from Jackie's litter, Jackie and a sister, but the sister pooch has passed away.
One can only imagine how Jackie must feel, at her age now, to be with someone new. We can all only hope that person is an animal lover.
likes to rest most of her day. She can't hear anything, which worries me the most, that someone might back out of the driveway and think she will move out of the way when she hears the car coming, which she will not.
"This is worrying me sick, clearly."
Thank you for posting this. The reward has been increased to $2,000.
I got to know Jackie over the wedding weekend, and she is especially dear to me because I have a 14-year-old deaf dog, Gypsy, that Laura has met and said was Jackie's soulmate in temperament.
Praying ceaselessly for a happy resolution and reunion for the three of them.
did they find the dog? their craigslist post has been deleted!