Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Grieve

2009, let's face it, was pretty horrible over all. We are still losing Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy has not recovered, and the much ballyhooed health plan was so heavily attacked it wound up on life-support. Sure, there were bright spots here and there but the country is witnessing a foreclosure rate unlike any it has ever seen and record numbers of able-bodied workers are collecting unemployment insurance.

In my family, we had a bit of ecomonic recovery as I accepted a job as an "Instructional Support Specialist" at a local middle school. The pay is less than I had made as a journalist, but working with non-English speaking kids is rewarding, and the teachers at this school are my heroes. I have a full-time job with benefits, and for that I am incredibly thankful. The relief I felt was all-encompassing when I received my first pay check after nearly a year of unemployment.

Let's hope 2010 brings more sunshine into this gloom that hovers over so many of us. Prosperity and hope used to be almost taken for granted. Today their very remnants loom bright. Our doors our open to their glorious return.